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Echinosepala lappiformis
Icones Costaricensis 1 & 2

Echinosepala lappiformis

Echinosepala lappiformis (A.Heller & L.O.Williams) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 17(2): 101. 2002.

Type: Nicaragua. Chontales: epiphytic at Pistacho Peak near Babi- lonia Mine, alt. 650 m, Jul 1962, A. Heller 6620 (holotype, F).

Illustrated specimen: Costa Rica. Limón: Pococí, Guápiles, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Sector Quebrada González, Sendero Las Palmas, behind the building, 467 m, tropical wet, transition to premontane wet forest. 22 March 2012. D. Bogarín et al. 9554 (JBL-spirit; LCDP voucher).

Etymology: From the Latin lappiformis, “like a bur”, in allusion to the appearance of the flower.

Echinosepala lappiformis is easily recognized by the red purple, long pubescent-echinate flowers born at the base of the stems, with the narrowly triangular dorsal sepal apically connate to the apex of the synsepal. Echinosepala stonei (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase has a free and obtuse dorsal sepal, while E. balaeniceps (Luer & Dressler) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase has a much larger flower with a high, longitudinal callus on the disc.