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Masdevallia fulvescens
Icones Costaricensis 1 & 2

Masdevallia fulvescens

Masdevallia fulescens Rolfe, Gard. Chron. ser. 3(8): 325. 1890.

Type: Costa Rica: without locality, Dec. 1889, imported by F. Horsman s.n. (holotype, K).

Illustrated specimen: Costa Rica. Heredia: San Isidro, 1688 m, 30 diciembre 2013. D. Bogarín et al. 10823 (JBL-spirit; LCDP voucher).

Etymology: From the Latin fulvescens, “tawny”, referring to the yellowish-brown color of the flowers.

Masdevallia fulvescens belongs to a group of morphologically similar and genetically closely related species, including M. calura, M. reichenbachiana, M. rolfeana and M. schroederiana. It is mainly distinguished from its close relatives by the slightly arched sepaline tube, (a straight funnel-shaped in the other species), which is distinctly compressed laterally.