Phragmipedium longifolium
Phragmipedium longifolium (Warsz. & Rchb. f.) Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 4(47): 332. 1896.
Synonyms: Cypripedium longifolium Warsz. & Rchb. f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10(40): 690. 1852. Selenipedium longifolium (Warsz. & Rchb. f.) Rchb. f. & Warsz., Xenia Orchid. 1: 3. 1854. Paphiopedilum longifolium (Warsz. & Rchb. f.) Pfitzer, Pringsh. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 6: 159. 1888. Phragmopedilum longifolium (Warsz. & Rchb. f.) Pfitzer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 527. 1898.
Type: Central America. J. Warszewicz s.n. (holotype, W).
Illustrated specimen: Colombia. Valle del Cauca, Municipality of Buenaventura, Quebrada Pericos, 300 m. November 2017. Juan Sebastian Moreno 402 (CAUP; LCDP voucher).
Phragmipedium longifolium is recognized by its lithophytic habit, growing mostly in wet rocks close to creeks or waterfalls, the linear leaves, large flowers with a saccate lip and linear, spreading petals no much longer than the lip. Most species of Phragmipedium can be found growing on middle to high elevations, but P. longifolium can grow near the sea level. This species is pollinated by a syrphid fly attracted to the flower by a brood-site deception. The insects approach the flowers looking for a place to lay their eggs and eventually fall inside the lip and remove the pollen masses when trying to exit the
flowers. . .