Pleurothallis angusta
Pleurothallis angusta Ames & C.Schweinf., Schedul. Orchid. 8: 23. 1925.
Type: Costa Rica, in cultivation at Las Concavas, probably native of Cachi. C. H. Lankester 850 (holotype, AMES).
Illustrated specimen: Costa Rica. Cartago: Turrialba, Tayutic, Moravia de Chirripó. On the road to Platanillo, in remaining forest on the side of the road. 1160 m. 15 December 2013. A.P. Karremans 6175 & M. Contreras Fernández (JBL-spirit; LCDP voucher).
Etymology: From the Latin angustus, “narrow”, probably referring to the narrow, oblong leaves of the species.
Pleurothallis angusta grows in humid montane forests. The plants are similar to those of P. tonduzii, but the lanceolate leaves become revolute with age. The pedicel bending towards the side of the leaf, and the minutely ciliate petals and lip, distinguish this species from its relatives.