Pleurothallis grandilingua
Pleurothallis grandilingua Pupulin, M.Díaz & Pridgeon, Vanishing Beauty. Vol. 2: 851. 2020
Type: Costa Rica. San José: Tarrazú, San Lorenzo, ca. 4 km southeast of Santa Marta, road to Bajo Reyes, 1475 m. 20 Novem- ber 2008, flowered in cultivation at Lankester Botanical Garden, 22 July 2016. D. Bogarín 5638, R.L. Dressler, M. Fernández, R. Gómez & R. Trejos (holotype, JBL-spirit; LCDP voucher).
Etymology: From the Latin grande, “large”, and lingua, “tongue”, in allusion to the large size of the lip in relation to other parts of the flower, uncommon in species of Pleurothallis.
Pleurothallis grandilingua is allied to the Costa Rican and western Panamanian endemic P. tonduzii Schltr., from which it can be distinguished by the broader leaves, the mostly purple flowers (vs. the sepals greenish yellow to pink, the petals rose), the narrower synsepal, the ligulate petals (vs. falcate), and the subrectangular, slightly convex lip with the apex extended (vs. sagittate, the apex abruptly bent upwards and then strongly geniculate).