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Pleurothallis oncoglossa
Icones Costaricensis 1 & 2

Pleurothallis oncoglossa

Pleurothallis oncoglossa Luer, Lindleyana 11: 86. 1996.

Type: Costa Rica. Without collection data, collected by Leon Gli- censtein, flowered in cultivation by P. & A. Jesup in Bristol, CT, 10 Dec 1988, C. Luer 13833 (holotype, MO).

Illustrated specimen: Costa Rica. Cartago: Jiménez, Pejibaye, Tucurrique, Bajos del Humo, between the rivers Humo and Vueltas, east side of Cerros Duán, 1396 m. 24 November 2008. D. Bogarín 5686, R.L. Dressler, R. Gómez & R. Trejos (JBL; LCDP voucher).

Etymology: From the Greek words ὄγκος (ónkos), “topknot on the masks of classic tragedy”, and γλῶσσᾰ (glôssa), “tongue”, in refer- ence to the callous projection at the apex of the lip.

Pleurothallis oncoglossa is similar to P. cardiothallis, from which it differs in the distinctly triangular lip with the apex thickened into a conical callus, bent up as a hook (vs. peltate). Pleurothallis oncoglossa is also similar to P. scotinantha, but in the latter the lip is not hooked, the perianth is solid dark purple instead of dark red on a pale yellow background, and the plants are bigger overall.