Dracula lemurella
Dracula lemurella Luer & R.Escobar, Orquideología 15(1): 23. 1981.
Type: Colombia. Dept. of Antioquia: Munic. of Yarumal, Briceño, “El Oro”, La Segunda Bodega, alt. 1650 m, 26 Nov. 1974, collect-ed by G. Misas et al., flowered in cultivation at La Ceja by M. & O. Robledo, 27 Sept. 1977. R. Escobar 1540 (holotype: JAUM; isotype: SEL).
Illustrated specimen: Colombia. Antioquia: Municipio de Yarumal. Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado “Alto de Ventanas”, reserva Natural Los Magnolios. 1500 m, 12 de septiembre 2018. S. Vieira 031 & M. Mazo (JAUM; LCDP Voucher).
Dracula lemurella is recognized by its narrow leaves, small, successive and pubescent, cream colored flowers. The small and externally verrucose epichile has three prominent lamellaes and is smaller than the hypochile with a predominantly deep cavity…