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Pleurothallis tonduzii
Icones Costaricensis 1 & 2

Pleurothallis tonduzii

Pleurothallis tonduzii Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl., Abt. 2. 36(3): 397. 1918.

Type: Costa Rica. [Alajuela:] Forêts de San Ramón 1500–1600 m, May 1913, A. Tonduz s.n. (holotype, B, destroyed; neotype, designated by Pupulin et al., 2016: 310: tracings of the original drawing of the holotype, made under Schlechter’s supervision, AMES-23680; illustration of the flower from the holotype published by Mansfeld, 1931: no. 144).

Illustrated specimen: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, between Santa Rosa and Convento, shores of Quebrada Santa María, 824 m. 20 Mar 2013, flowered in cultivation at Jardín Botánico Lankester, 18 Oct 2015. A.P. Karremans 5840, D. Bogarín, J. Cambronero & F. Pupulin (JBL; LCDP voucher).

Eponymy: Named after the Swiss botanist Adolphe Tonduz, who discovered the species.

Pleurothallis tonduzii can be distinguished by the combination of long, narrow, erect leaves, apically arched or up to becoming un- cinate, the dark fuchsia, pandurate, verrucose lip, almost porrect, abruptly recurved on the apical third, and the sides revolute. It is similar to P. telamon Luer from Panama, which has horizontal to pendulous leaves and and an oblong, flat lip.