Pleurothallis vide-vallis
Pleurothallis vide-vallis Karremans & J.E.Jiménez, Phytotaxa 349: 189. 2018.
Type: Costa Rica. Guanacaste: Bagaces, Fortuna, Protector Zone Volcán Miravalles, top of the volcano along the trail, 1929 m. 17 Dec 2014. I. Calderón & J.E. Jiménez 96 (holotype: JBL-spirit; LCDP voucher).
Etymology: From the Latin, videre, to see, and vallis, valley, referring to the Miravalles Volcano, which in Spanish means overlook- ing the valleys.
Among the members of Pleurothallis sect. Macrophyllae–Fasciculatae (Luer 2005), P. vide-vallis can be recognized by the fascicled in- florescence of numerous simultaneous flowers and the broad petals. It is similar to Pleurothallis bothros Luer but is distinguished by the non-spreading, pale yellow flowers diversely suffused with pink, the elliptic and oblique petals (vs. oblong and straight), the lanceolate to narrowly panduriform, sigmoid, acute, ca. 3.8 × 1.4 mm (vs. ovate, recurved and obtuse, 3.5 × 2.5 mm). Pleurothallis hawkingii Karremans & J.E.Jiménez, is similar, but the two species conspicuously differ in the labellum.